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Warm Days, Cool Nights

The thermometer read a chilly 33.8 degrees this morning as I waited for my tea to brew. In an instant, I knew what it meant. The signs had been there for several weeks, but this was the flashing neon light signaling the change in pest seasons. Rodent season has officially begun, 2 months early. As I said, the signs have been there, upticks in rodent activity in certain areas have been noticeable for nearly a month, a little earlier than normal. The weather, we've been under drought conditions for most of the summer which has had a huge impact on pest activity this year, combined with a very mild winter has set up a cascade effect for certain pests.

What does this mean for you? Expect more rodent activity this Fall/Winter. If you haven't done the necessary exclusion work (see our Fast Fact section on Mice/Rodents) now is the time to get it done. If you've done everything you can and need a professional's help, but have been putting it off, this is the year you'll probably want to make that phone call. If you have managed to keep your mouse/rodent issues under control on your own, you'll want to do your normal routine, but don't wait until later in the season do it now and then do it again before you close up for the season.

Remember, a mouse only needs a hole the size of your pinky, a pencil, 1/4" to gain access to your home. Check around windows, and doors (make sure there are no 1/4" or larger gaps). Also, inspect where any wiring or pipes run through into your building. Inspect corner trim, if you have vinyl siding and lastly check for gaps under your vinyl siding itself by running your hand along under the lowest section of siding. If you have a dirt floor crawlspace and you have mouse issues, the bad news is mice can burrow down 10' and come into your crawl space. The good news is, with some preventionary work you can reduce your rodent issues.

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